
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Gets a Boost With Friendzy


Fremont Christian 学校 understands the pivotal role emotional intelligence plays in shaping well-rounded individuals. 这就是我们与Friendzy合作的原因, 社会情绪学习(SEL)的领先项目, to provide an enriching experience tailored for our students. After piloting the program last year and being quite impressed with the results, FCS已决定将该计划扩展到TK-12. 

The Friendzy Biblical Friendship Program has an emphasis on building a healthy school culture that creates a safe environment for 学习. 精心设计的TK-12课程, 根植于圣经, aims to empower students with practical skills — such as respect, 信心, 解决问题, and communication — for navigating the complexities of emotions and relationships. Teaching friendship skills supports students in managing their emotions, improving their ability to set and achieve positive goals, 对他人感同身受, 保持积极的关系, 做出负责任的决定. 

Friendzy covers a range of essential social and emotional skills. From understanding emotions to conflict resolution and responsible decision-making, the program provides a comprehensive foundation for our students' personal growth. The curriculum is divided into well-thought-out modules tailored to different age groups, ensuring age-appropriate content that aligns with students' evolving experiences.

One distinctive feature of Friendzy is its integration of online resources with real-world applications. 通过可访问的在线平台, 学生参与视频, 练习, 以及鼓励自我反省的活动. This dynamic mix of technology and hands-on 学习 forms an immersive experience for our students.

FCS teachers and educators have observed tangible positive impacts on our students' lives through their interaction with Friendzy. 我们看到学生们越来越自信, 同情, 以及应对挑战时的适应力. 

“自从我开始和我的八年级学生一起使用Friendzy, 我注意到他们互相帮助更多了,我们的计算机科学老师玛雅·马修斯说. "They remind each other about Friendzy teachings or take the time to reach out if they notice someone needs help in class. They even stay a bit after the bell to put back their chairs and tidy up the classroom. That's definitely progress compared to the beginning of the year, when they used to talk over each other and rush out the door at the end of class.”

Students themselves can feel the positive impact Friendzy has had on their time on campus, 如下图所示. 

Friendzy isn't just a supplement — it's a tool for transformation. 它的方法很有条理, 将在线可访问性与有形可访问性相结合, 适用的技能, sets a solid foundation for our students' holistic development.

欲知详情,请浏览 Friendzy.co. This collaboration reflects our commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped not only with academic knowledge but also with the emotional intelligence needed to thrive in an ever-changing world. 

张贴在 学术亮点



在十大博彩公司,我们的 早期教育 program is intentionally modeled on a play-based framework. Walk outside mid-morning and you’ll hear the joyful shrieks of 小学 students engaged in games on the 小学 playground or field. 甚至我们的 二次 students are given time during brunch and lunch to play basketball, 排球, 足球, 或在第二场地进行其他体育活动, 除了选择参加我们的 学校的运动队 课后. 

Preschoolers playing outside at Fremont Christian 学校

Playtime at school has many educational benefits besides enjoyment and downtime from 学习. 目前的研究 not only validates the benefits of play but confirms it is essential for a child’s physical and intellectual growth. Here are some of the key benefits of play in your child’s development.


Some crucial areas practiced during play include social skills, 语言能力, 学习, 运动发育(运动). 在一项发表于 大脑研究公报, rats who were allowed to play for even 30 minutes daily had increased production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 一种与学习和记忆有关的关键分子. 人类的体育锻炼已被证明有 类似的积极影响.


众所周知,锻炼 减少肥胖的可能性 以及不健康的身体质量指数(BMI)水平. Studies also show that children who are physically active are more likely to 把这个习惯带到成年.

An 小学 student on the playground at Fremont Christian 学校

可以减少压力 & 破坏性行为

玩耍的孩子, particularly under the supervision of a caring teacher, showed a marked decrease in the stress hormone cortisol, 根据2017年的一份报告 篇文章中 预防科学. 第二年发表的一篇文章 神经科学 & 生物行为的评价 underscored additional health benefits: “[Play holds] great promise for both preventive and treatment strategies directed at psychosocial problems of children with chronic or life-threatening diseases.” In other words, play helps in the development of children who have serious diseases.


就像运动一样,玩耍也有帮助 建立人际关系,加强社交技能. Children learn how to work together and communicate in order to achieve common goals. 他们还通过共同的经历建立了联系, whether it’s celebrating the completion of a puzzle or consoling each other over the loss of a 棒球 tournament. 

二次 students playing basketball at Fremont Christian 学校


To tie it all back to schooling, playtime also has a positive influence on grades and test scores. Playing pretend improves language skills, while construction play has shown to 提高数学技能和解决问题的能力,仅举两个例子. “Children who were in active play for one hour per day were better able to think creatively and multitask,” 2018年的一项研究 刊登于 美国儿科学会 所述. The study showed that physical play in 7- to 9-year-olds resulted in increased focus, 认知灵活性, 以及执行控制(包括记忆在内的技能), 灵活的思维, 和自我控制), all of which are crucial for excelling in the classroom.

If all that weren’t enough reason to set aside time for play, remember: It’s fun!

张贴在 新闻 & 公告


5/29/24 - Fremont Christian 学校
3/14/24 - Fremont Christian 学校
12/7/23 - Fremont Christian 学校
8/31/23 - Fremont Christian 学校


学术亮点 棒球 儿童发展 教育研究 FCS运动员聚光灯 FCS田径 FCS的故事 FCS学生专题 美术 健康 & 安全 学校 & 社区活动 科学强调 足球 垒球 精神周 蒸汽展示 学生成绩 排球


Big-学校 Opportunities in a Small-学校 Environment